It takes a Village to raise a child… your business is exactly the same

In the race to finish the financial year off strongly and make the full year numbers shine, it’s become obvious that some habits and traits have surfaced that will impact the long term health of your business. The busyness has created an environment where the short term mayhem, and let’s be honest it’s often exactly that, sees you focus on what YOU need to do to get things done NOW, and leads to everything else outside of your focus gets left behind.
What’s interesting about this is that you’ve chosen to make that happen. You’ve made the conscious decision to focus on what you need to get done so you can feel like you’ve cleared your “to do list” and achieved your ability to feel accomplished. What about those around you who need your time to also feel like they’ve achieved… have we given them an opportunity to win ? Have we set them up for success by giving them what they need….. or have they been left behind?

Creating time in your schedule to get clear about what you want to achieve, what will get this done, and who are the right people to take the work on with a long term view, is super important.
Include others to get buy in – raise your hand if you love someone else telling you what to do…. i’m hearing crickets. Involving others in planning for jobs, upcoming projects and problem solving will give them a feeling of being involved… and create a link to have them feel part of the solution to this problem. Include others and over time they become the solution generators.
Who will be doing this longer term – create a mindset of who is the best person to take this task on long term. With this in mind, look for opportunities to get these people involved as early as possible. Setting up the expectation early will help plant the seed that one day this will be yours… opening up a clear path to growth. “I want to get you involved now as i’d like for you to take this over in time” is one of the most proactive ways to have others get involved.
What is my long term role and where is my value best realised – if your desire is to be a consultant to your business and have the flexibility to choose where you spend your time… this is a perfect opportunity to start creating a plan to make this happen. Is taking on this extra work working towards helping me build that future vision. If not, and there is a hat someone else can wear, then what’s the plan to have them take it on? Always be thinking hat reduction strategy !!!
Setting others up to take on some of your workload, whether it’s those in your business or outsourcing, creates a path towards your flexibility. You can still maintain some control in the short term while others start to take on activities by working with them. At the end of the day do you want to be the one tied to your business or the one with flexibility to choose where you spend your time…. i know what i’m working towards.
We would love to see you share this with those in your circles as our jam is helping quality humans create even more possibilities to grow, both in business and in life. If you want to know how to build this in to your business, click on the Let’s Connect button and let’s chat about how you can make this happen.
Have an awesome week and look forward to connecting soon.