Your choices, not the actions of others, are what determines the feelings you experience. This has become even more relevant since COVID 19 bought uncertainty to us all. The choices we make and the resulting action we take… will be a reflection of our choices. This may be a little deep, but it can have a significant impact on our ability to create happiness in our lives.

The headline “Being a decent human takes no time and costs nothing yet is so powerful” is a comment I find myself coming back to time and time again… especially when we are surrounded by uncertainty. I remember hearing it as a youngster, yet not fully grasping it’s full relevance until later. People buy people not products… which makes being a decent human so relevant to those looking to build networks based on trust.

So how do we choose to be a decent human and how can we get the benefit from our choices? Here are three key areas to focus on:

  1. Be good to you – when we come from a good place it makes it easier to take on challenges we face. Coming from a place of integrity and calm, will translate across to others. Make time to invest in you, be comfortable being you and see how damn good it is to be you… and this will become evident to others. Reflect, Recharge and Reset the way we are choosing to be and you will see things change.
  2. Be good to those around you – making time to be a quality human to those you come in contact with is powerful. Others may not share this same approach, however they may be the ones who need the your support and to see what can be achieved. Be the one to set the example and your results will shine through. 
  3. Do little things often – as humans we like to be told we are doing a great job and we are appreciated for the effort we put in. By giving little elements of feedback, by showing you care often, will see those around you receive what they need to have them continue to strive.

It’s easy to get wrapped up in the hype created by the media and social media about bigger is better, the Hustle and if you aren’t building a super huge empire you are wasting your time. By being someone who truly cares about what they do, the people they are with and themselves, they will create their version of success and be surrounded by others who find that valuable.  
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