Strategy document

“Times of transition are strenuous, but I love them. They are an opportunity to purge, rethink priorities, and be intentional about new habits. We can make our new normal any way we want.” 
Kristin Armstrong

This week has been an interesting one… filled with a combination of new activities, existing activities done differently, existing activities done exactly the same way and some existing activities not done at all. The “New Normal” way of approaching life has started to evolve and take shape. For some this will be a perfect opportunity to break old unproductive patterns and create new quality habits and routines.

From a work perspective, business leaders are being forced to create new habits. For example… the leads aren’t coming in as they were, so we need to commit time to reviewing our strategy more often to address this; that call once every 6 months to check in with clients, just doesn’t cut it in the current climate; holding yourself accountable for ensuring those around you (including you) are maintaining standards and meeting expectations. These are all needing your habits to change and adapt to the new way business is being conducted.

Changing habits in productive ways

So to create unconscious habits that add value to you and those around you, setting clear actions is key. Here are some things i’ve implemented over the past month that have helped:

  • Create new structure – having to revise the way we operate has meant our structure has also needed to change. Implementing Zoom calls and processes to make them effective has added another dimension to our client offerings. If it cuts out 1hr travel and $45 parking then it’s an efficiency worth embracing.     

  • It’s not all about me –  once the shock of isolation had settled, there was a realisation that others in our circles were being challenged and we could help. Making time to think about helping others is now something that forms part of our day. Building trust through helping others is a valuable currency in times of challenge. 

  • Invest in you – with more time spent in isolation, building a stronger, more skilled, more self aware version of you will see you come out of this temporary challenge able to fire on all cylinders and take on those who you compete with. Develop a skill, work on you, get a mentor and create good habits that will show extra value to those in your circles. 

When we have more downtime in our schedule, invest your time wisely. Create habits that build you up, that create efficiencies and are seen as an investment in what’s coming next. Be ready for when we return to normal duty and you realise everyone else has simply been treading water. 

Forward this on to those who need this right now. Get in contact if you need a sounding board to see options to keep moving forward. We would love to help add value to your business and teams.

Stay safe, keep looking forward and remember…. “The 1% efforts matter.”

Paul Farmer
Managing Director