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Business Advisory… Honest & Direct

“Create Awareness, Take Better Action, Be Accountable”

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Business Strategy Resets and ongoing Mentoring

Business Strategy

Get clarity on what you want your business to be in 12 months time and why it actually matters to you.

Our Strategy sessions, for business owners or large organisations, help clarify your vision and regular Accountability sessions keep you on track to deliver it.


Building Leaders

Teams want strong leadership at all levels.
Building better leaders gets you making better decisions more often.

Our Leadership Mentoring programs help existing leaders and team members become the leaders your businesses needs, with guidance from our top business mentors.


Business Turnaround

Admitting your business is not performing and not knowing how to change your path is challenging.

Our Business Turnaround work helps both Pre Turnaround and Post Restructure. We help clarify your position, understand your numbers, discover your options and create a plan to build the business you want going forward. We work alongside Insolvency practitioners !



How we help you get clarity in your business

The Mentoris way captures and Values the power of:

Making Decisions – often, (M)

Empowering – Everyone, (E)

No Judgement – Ever, (N)

Trust – works both ways, (T)

Ownership – of your Space, (O)

Relationships – Matter, (R)

Integrity – is Non-negotiable, (I) and

Simplicity – is a Superpower (S)


Our Vision is to see that “Every business owner has access to independent strategic discussions to grow a business that works for them.”

Our Mission is to be “the premier National Business consultancy, providing business owners with regular independant conversations to build even more successful businesses.”


Get motivated every Monday by signing up to our weekly motivational newsletter with business development tips, business solutions and special course offers.

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We help clients build better businesses and change their lives along the way. Getting clear on WHY you are building your business is powerful. Most do it when they have to, hoping to one day sell and then live life on their terms. It’s a key strategy to create your business success, yet often gets lost in the whirlwind of business.

Our Purpose is simply to help others. Collaborating with business owners and business leaders, we create the life you want through top business coaching and business strategy. We work with you, bringing our specialist business knowledge and experience to create efficiencies, momentum and add much wanted extra value.

Managing your time, inconsistent cashflow, limited financial awareness, troublesome clients, dysfunctional teams and a need to control everything are the common driving factors behind clients seeking out an experienced business development strategist. An independent perspective helps to both, see what’s really going on, and identify options to address the real issues. We Guarantee we will call you on your BS, your stories and your excuses.

The Mentoris Group, while based in Brisbane, operate across the nation and across multiple disciplines… travelling to meet quality clients where appropriate. Clients come from all industries including Construction & Trade based businesses, Financial services, Consulting, IT, Legal, Accounting and Luxury Boat Building just to name a few.

With client growth and development at the forefront of our focus, business mentor Paul Farmer and the Mentoris Group take on only quality business owners keen to create change and create business growth. This also ensures we are achieving our aim, to be the top Business and Leadership Strategists based in Brisbane.


We help clients become better humans and build better businesses along the way. Getting clear on WHY you are building your business is powerful. Most do it, hoping to one day sell and then live life on their terms. It’s a key strategy to create your business success, yet often gets lost in the whirlwind of business.

Our Purpose is to help others…. collaborating with business owners and business leaders to create the life they want through top business coaching and business strategy. We work alongside you, bringing our specialist business knowledge and experience to create efficiencies, momentum and add extreme value.

Managing your time, inconsistent cashflow, limited financial awareness, troublesome clients, dysfunctional teams and a need to control everything, are the common driving factors behind clients seeking out an experienced business development strategist. An independent perspective helps see what’s really going on and identify options to address the real issues. We Guarantee we will call you on your BS, your stories and your excuses.

The Mentoris Group, based in Brisbane, operate across the nation and across multiple disciplines… travelling to meet quality clients where appropriate. Clients come from all industries including trade based businesses, financial services, consulting, entertainment, website and app development, legal, accounting and fragrance just to name a few.

With client growth and development at the forefront of our focus, business coach Paul Farmer and the Mentoris Group take on only quality business leaders keen to create change. This also ensures we are achieving our aim, to be the top Business and Leadership Strategists based in Brisbane.


Our Strategy and Leadership experience has been developed in Small, Medium and Large environments


  • “I’m not clear on where my business is going and i’m frustrated” and “How do I get a clear Business Strategy” are the most common questions we get from business owners.

  • We help you refocus your business strategy, to see past your current challenges to what’s possible and identify options to add value to your ideal clients

  • We act as a sounding board, bringing fresh options to provide an independent perspective to your business strategy, offering innovative large or business solutions.

  • We then help you identify clear next steps to help create momentum in your business.



  • “We need to reset our business strategy and don’t want to be viewed as driving our own agenda”.
  • By having an Independent facilitator, it allows senior management to participate as part of the team with no hidden agenda. It also allows us to ask those sometimes challenging questions, when they may not normally be raised.

  • Subject matter workshops allow teams to develop an awareness on specialised topics such as effective communication, building business relationships, building trust in business to add even more value

  • Annual Strategy Days and Business Strategy Resets help get teams on the same page and striving towards common goals, elevating business to the next level.



  • “How do I become an effective leader” is a question we often get. Through having regular conversations, we help you build awareness around your leadership style and confidence to develop in to that leader.

  • Mentoring provides insights and experiences to support your growth, develops your individual leadership style, delivers more focussed performance for you and sees your teams benefit from a business owner or leader with clarity.

  • Building better leaders delivers considerable value to your business and clients



  • Understand your Business – what your financials are telling you, what the next 12 month forecast could be, what your current pain points are.

  • Our turnaround work resets your perception of what’s possible, what you actually want and how it will feel when you have the business you want.

  • Mentoris has worked with challenged businesses to create significant value and open up extra opportunities to create momentum.



Follow us on instagram for real time business coaching insights, motivational updates, news and insights from the team.

So you are a Business Coach right?

I get this question most weeks and it`s an interesting question. I now ask what a Business Coach means to them... and it`s usually made up of a combination of these:

❌ You take control of the business and tell the business owners what to do
❌ You charge a monthly fee (usually minimum $3k - $5k per month) regardless of the value being added
❌ You have lock in contracts that are a minimum of 12 months
❌ You create systems and processes for the business
❌ You have templates and create reports for clients and go in to their business to implement these changes for them
❌ You interview everyone in the business to understand what it`s like

We are different.

What we do is simple... we help you reset what`s possible so you can make it happen. This includes doing things like:

✅ Help you Accept and Review your past performance (Reflect),
✅ Help Reset / Reshape / Clarify what it is you want your business to be in 12 months including a 12 month Financial forecast with ways to add extra profitability without doing more work (Reset),
✅ Help unpack a high level plan, focussing on a number of key areas including Clients, Workflow, Financial, Leadership etc, to help you deliver this business you want,
✅ Help you understand any Key Stakeholders you may need access to to help you succeed and introduce you to them where necessary,
✅ Let you get on with taking the action to make it happen (Rip In)

They say "If you want different, you have to do different and be different". So if you are happy and keen to invest your money in the first list, keep on the same path and getting the same results.

If you would like to see how you can feel like those we work with, and benefit from a renewed energy around growing and building your business, jump on this link and let`s chat about going off script and helping you quickly:

#BusinessGrowth #EntrepreneurMindset #Innovation #BusinessStrategy #SMEs #Networking #B2B #businesscoaching

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It’s easy to remember why you follow your purpose, when you are inspired by the quality humans in your space.

Ma & Pa Farmer dropped in to the office on a trip to Brisbane, and of course we put them to work 😆😆. Their experience, their knowledge, their patience and their love… all contribure to reminding us that being a good human is a valuable asset.

Take note of those around you who matter, and tell them that they inspire you and help you be a better person. They may not fully understand and this may make their day.

To chat about adding a trusted mentor to your space, grab your confidential call here…

#profitability #growth #strategy #businessmentor #businessstrategy #independentsoundingboard #leadership

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Reflect on what’s happened this year for you and your business… is it more of the same you want or do you want different outcomes?

We’ve seen some choose to stay the same over the 12 months and their businesses still feel clunky and their cashflow continues to be lumpy.

We’ve also seen significant transformations over the past 12 months from business owners who have embraced thinking differently.

From adding the previous year’s profit in 3 months, to saying no to weekend work after 6yrs, to taking a first overseas holiday in 5yrs… there have been some good business owners embracing our advice and it’s shown up in their outcomes. To use their words… “It’s changed our lives”.

So if you want help to build something different, we’d love you to leverage our experience to create options you may not see.

To get access to this, grab your own confidential call here…

#profitability #growth #strategy #businessmentor #businessstrategy #independentsoundingboard #leadership

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What`s causing most blockages in business, is the Mindsets of the owners.

Over the past 12 months we`ve had a LOT of conversations and covered a lot of ground with quality business owners. We`ve run workshops Nationally, we`ve worked directly with business owners wanting growth but frustrated they aren`t growing, we`ve unlocked millions of potential profits that was previously not possible and not through simply doing more.

From our perspective, the top 3 things that have influenced business growth in 2024 are:

1. Self Awareness of Decision makers
2. Mindset of the Key Stakeholders
3. Awareness of How to Influence profitability

The interesting thing that keeps coming up time and time again, is that most of what`s impacting business owners and leaders is not the "technical" piece of business. It`s the mindset of the decision makers and the way they filter their information to make their decisions.

Those in flow, who have businesses that are successful and growing, are often those who are self aware and ok dealing with uncertainty. They have a high level direction they are working towards (we call these Intentions) and are ok being vulnerable, ok sharing / building others, ok saying no to things that don`t suit them and their direction, those who are ok empowering their team members to take ownership of their space... and they are ok working towards building a business that sees them become a consultant to this same business.

This shift from "I don`t know how and it`s not possible" to "We made it happen and gee it feels good"... has changed lives. Dealing with uncertainty is easier, understanding how to influence profits is part of normal habits, empowering team members and saying no to that which doesn`t align with your expectations... these take a "what`s possible" mindset and this doesn`t reset itself.

Do you need a tune up and a reset of what`s possible for you and your business? Discover what`s possible for you on our 20min free National connection call...

#businessstrategy #businessmindset #businesscoach #businessideas #businessgoals #motivation #businessmotivation #businessquotes #businessadvisory #advisory

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Fixed mindsets are energy sappers and only create frustration.

When you can’t see how change is possible, you probably aren’t going to reach out and ask for help. So you’d better get used to the same stuff turning up as that’s what’s going to keep happening.

This closed mindset came up in a client this week, but they trusted us to help them open up opportunities for them. We helped them add $30k profit in one area, potentially add $40k in another and not do any more work. Without shifting their mindset, that $70k upside would never have happened.

So if you’ve run out of ideas and need more options to grow, we’d love for you to leverage our “outside the box” thinking to create options you may not see.

To get access to this, grab your own confidential call here…

#profitability #growth #strategy #businessmentor #businessstrategy #independentsoundingboard #leadership

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About Paul Farmer, Mentoris CEO and Business Coach

With a background in finance, business strategy and leadership, Paul has built a reputation as a business mentor responsible for getting the best out of business owners and leaders. His calm and measured ways help create an environment where quality results are created, and growth is delivered for any business or large organisation.  

For the best business mentor Brisbane and the Gold Coast has to offer, contact Paul Farmer at Mentoris. If you are a business owner seeking business mentoring support from someone with many proven years experience, you’ve come to the right place. 

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