Getting Clarity
“Getting Clarity is not found through intellect, but experienced through stillness.”
Picture this. You are standing on the blocks of a swimming pool with eyes closed, ready to swim a length. Diving in, you swim flat out until you hit something hard…. when you open your eyes you are at the side of the pool.
Does this sound like where you are in your career or your business?
What would happen if you kept one eye on the end of the pool?
Here are 3 tips to help you get to your desired destination:
What does your destination look like – setting out clearly what the outcome looks like, clients you will work with, what type of leader you want to be, gives us a starting point for what you will have and whether it’s actually where you want to go.
Keep one eye open – while you are spending your time busily taking action, regularly make time to check in on whether you are heading towards your desired results.
Accountability & an independent perspective – having regular operational check-ins with someone not in your business to bring a different view to options available, possible efficiencies, removing bottlenecks and how to get the results you want.
So this week use these three tips and open up at least one of your eyes to keep a lock on where it is you are going.
If this resonates, please forward to your networks. If you need to take action and aren’t clear how to, send a note at and we will give you a call to chat.
Cheers and have an awesome week!