Team Leadership – Believe in YOU
“There’s a lot of stress out there, and to handle it, you need to believe in yourself; always go back to the person that you know you are, and don’t let anybody tell you any different, because everyone’s special and everyone’s awesome.”
– McKayla Maroney
Being the leader of a team or owner of a business comes with responsibilities, most of which start the moment we sign on to do the job. We create the expectations for all those involved in the venture, we set the standards and we set the example for all to follow. It’s a challenge I’ve seen and spoken about over the past week.
So when we take on this responsibility, what happens if we start to doubt ourselves. We challenge our abilities, we start to question our skills and we lose focus of what we are trying to achieve. As a leader, this can be a frustrating space as we generally feel like we need to deal with this on our own. I’ve been in this space….
So how then do we generate the belief needed to consistently be that leader our teams need us to be:
You’ve done it before – what have you successfully delivered previously, what have you already achieved, what results have you delivered that have seen you be placed in a position of leadership. We have all been successful before, sometimes we need to re-realise this.
Review your Focus – are you spending time on things outside of your control, things that are holding you back, things that are taking your time away from being the example for your team. Reset your focus to be on things that pump your tyres up
You are enough – being in charge of others is a powerful position to be in. You have the opportunity to help them achieve their dreams and become the people they want to be. You have the ability, the skills, the desire and the passion… you are enough.
This week, check in on how you see yourself and how much you believe in your ability. Remember, there are reasons you are in a leadership role, you are enough and that you have been successful previously.
Forward this on to those in your networks who need to create positive change in their circles. If you need help creating positive change and getting better results, send a note to and we’ll get in contact.
Have an awesome week!
Paul Farmer