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This time last year I was one year in to a new business, nine months into a new relationship with a great friend and thought I had 2017 lined up to be a huge year in every area of my life…. “2017 I will own you”.

Well as tends to happen, even the best plan is only a plan if you don’t take the right action, or be the person you need to be to make your plan come to fruition. 

Highlights for 2017 included things like getting engaged to my best friend and partner in crime Cass, consistently delivering articles to inspire and motivate others to see they can have a crack at that thing they want to, and working with some amazing people who have realised the potential they always had yet had not been able to unlock. To celebrate these successes, and we all know we must celebrate the wins, we went to Hawaii for a week and had an awesome time. 

Challenges also came to the table with losing close friends and family taken far too early, not holding myself to the standards expected of those around me, not inspiring and motivating the UQ Reggies rugby team make finals football and only getting clear on my business direction late in the year. These and a burning desire to be the person I want to be are my motivation for making 2018 a cracking year.

So what’s in store for 2018? We will be ramping up the Business Strategy work helping deliver Clarity and Direction through Structure, running Group Workshops and Facilitation sessions and Mentoring Executives, Leaders and those who want the confidence to create the success they want. Sound like something you need to hear about then let us know how we can help in 2018.

Use any time you have off over this break to relax, recharge and reconnect with all areas of your life. As we move through the years it seems as though the time flies even faster and 2018 is definitely no different. So get ready to make 2018 an EPIC year.  

To borrow a phrase from a mate who chose to change his life around when he realised he didn’t like who he was or what he was doing….. “2018 we’re comin atcha like Cleopatra”.