Self Awareness – Use your Mirror
“Practice self-awareness, self-evaluation, and self-improvement. If we are aware that our manners – language, behaviour, and actions – are measured against our values and principles, we are able to more easily embody the philosophy, leadership is a matter of how to be, not how to do”.
Frances Hesselbein
Throughout the years spent working in high pressure corporate environments, it was easy to get wrapped up in the seemingly never ending deliverables, timelines, KPI’s and goals…. most of which were driven towards achieving company results and not personal motivation. The challenge with focussing on everyone else is that it’s easy to lose sight of what motivates you and what results you want for you, as we prioritise everyone else before us. Ever felt like this in your career or your business?
Getting comfortable with who we are and what motivates us is an excellent starting point. I still remember the day I looked in the mirror and saw an overworked, stressed, unhealthy, non-exercising, salad dodging person who had lost their identity. Satisfying everyone else and making them happy had become my number one priority… at my own expense.
So how did I shift the focus back to me and the person I wanted to be? By looking in the mirror and accepting my current situation provided a new choice… either continue to see the same reality in the mirror by staying the way I was, or choose to get clear on the person I wanted to be and start the journey to becoming this person. Being comfortable with who WE want to be allows us to take on the external challenges and create even more awesome results for us and those around us. Four years on and some would agree the right choice was made that day.
This week, take a look in your mirror and honestly assess how comfortable you are with who you see. It’s now you have a choice…. if you choose to continue as you are, then be happy getting the same results and take responsibility for these. Where you choose to create change, start by taking little steps and owning your actions. You are now on the path to creating the new you.
Feel empowered and forward this on to those in your networks who will get value from our regular sharing. If you need to see how you can be the real and best version of you, send us a note at as we’d love to chat about how we can help facilitate this.
Have an awesome week!
Paul Farmer
Managing Director