Business Owners and Leaders – Set your Radar
“There will be very few occasions when you are absolutely certain about anything. You will consistently be called upon to make decisions with limited information. That being the case, your goal should not be to eliminate uncertainty. Instead, you must develop the art of being clear in the face of uncertainty.”
Andy Stanley
Sunday mornings can be a perfect time to recharge the batteries. As a business owner and leader, it’s generally a round of golf with quality mates. As the picture shows, we encountered fog this time which meant the green was “out there somewhere”.
It made me reflect on how often, as business owners and leaders, we choose to overlook making time to get clear on where we are going on our journey. Without a clear target or ultimate outcome, we make it tough to know what we are striving for and whether we are on track.
So how do you get clear on what you are trying to achieve? Here are 3 tips:
End of Financial Year reset – stand at 30 June next year and feel what is like when you achieve all that you want. What will your world look like, what will you be doing, what success will you have had?
Set your targets – following on from the above, set out your targets, the steps to achieve and KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) required to make them happen. These will become your stepping stones to have the results you want. Financial projections are an excellent way to set these.
Next Steps – having 12 months worth of goals can be overwhelming. Break these down in to smaller, more manageable targets, allowing you to consistently take action towards success.
This week, make time to set out your strategy for 2019/20. Check in on who you will need to be to make this happen and what it will feel like when you hit your targets. Set your destination and also what happens when you get there.
Feel empowered and forward this on to those in your networks who will get value from our regular tips. If you need help being the real and best version of you, send us a note at and we’d love to chat about how we can help.
Have an awesome week!
Paul Farmer
Managing Director