Understanding how do you focus on you and being super valuable
The past two weeks have been filled with reminders of how precious and valuable life is and how easy it is to get wrapped up in what others want. A school mate affectionately known as Scooter, was in an accident and admitted to the spinal unit last week where he is now recovering from surgery. “I can either lay here and wish things were different, blame everyone else or make excuses… or I can use all of my energy and determination to get back up and walking… because MY JOURNEY IS MY JOURNEY”. I was moved and inspired by this as the true self belief was strong.
When you spend so much of your time focusing on what others need, what’s going to help them succeed, what’s going to solve their pain points… you often lose sight of what matters to you and where your ship is sailing. See… you, your time, your experience and your knowledge is valuable and to spend it on things just because you think it’s going to make others happy… is that valuing you, your time, your experience and your knowledge?
So, as you, your time, your experience and your knowledge are so valuable, how do you focus on you and being super valuable?
Here are 3 ways we’ve found to make this happen:
- “I am good enough” starts with you – the first step to allow you to focus on your journey, is to see you are the one in control. You are the captain of the ship, you are the strong one who chooses where the ship sails and you don’t need anyone else to tell you that. You see what we all see… a quality human backing themselves and loving how good they are.
- Your time is valuable – when you focus on the things that matter to us, filling our time with things that you love to do… others can also benefit and grow. If you love building relationships, then your business will grow when you spend more time talking to quality people about how you can help solve their pain points. Prioritise where you add the most value and choose to do even more of this.
- Learn to say NO well – when you are able to say no to the stuff or people that doesn’t value you or your time, it frees up your time to fill it with that and those who do. Spending time on things and people that don’t respect how valuable your time, experience and knowledge are can be minimised through learning to say no well. Develop this and you will be filling your cup more often.
Understanding how truly valuable you are and how great you make others feel, starts with you respecting you. Focusing on you and the path you want is actually helping those around you as by you being clear, makes it easier for them to know where you are going and they can more easily help you get there. “Saying No well” and “Building your perception of you” will be your sharpest tools to shaping your journey.
Do you wish you had the confidence to focus on you and not feel guilty? Make now the time to get clear on your strategy. Remove the haze and create the vision that you will focus on. Want help to do this, let’s chat as we love working with business owners to create clarity. Click on one of the links to set up a Strategy Check-in to see how you can get the ball rolling on your momentum.
Have an awesome week and look forward to connecting soon.