Value your time

Until you value yourself, you won’t value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it. M. Scott Peck

“I’m always busy and never have time to get what i want done in the day”; “My email doesn’t stop all day and I can never get done what I need to… so have to work longer hours and miss out on things”; “My phone is constantly ringing or pinging so I have to get back these messages straight away”. Have you ever felt this way…. it’s frustrating and saps your energy doesn’t it!

In every one of these situations we actually have a choice… the choice to respond or to let it go and deal with it when it fits in to our workflow. Most of us, and yes I’ve been in that category, will choose to match the expectations of others before our own. This means that others get what they want and we hopefully also get a result. Not 100% ideal letting others control your time.

Alternatively, we could treat our time as valuable and make the choice on our terms. Considering what’s important to us and make this our priority. 

Here are 3 tips to help you value you and your time to get even better results:  

  1. Managing expectations & say no – Choose to let them know if and how it fits in to your schedule and whether it’s suitable to be done when you suggest…. having the conversation up front will reset the expectations.

  2. My time is my time – Ultimately we get judged and rated based on our performance. Allowing others to dominate our time may prevent you from getting the results and recognition you deserve. Choose wisely and be conscious of where your time goes. 

  3. Focus on “your” schedule – setting out your schedule each morning gives you a starting point for what YOU want to achieve. This way you can check in to ensure you are delivering on your activities.     

So this week, when you find yourself faced with a choice, apply these three tips and ensure the outcome reflects how valuable your time is.    

Feel free to forward to those in your networks who will take value from the tips. If you’d like to chat about these, call us or craft a note to as we’d love to chat about adding value.

Have an awesome week!

Paul Farmer
Managing Director