Your team is your success….Over the past three days I have been fortunate enough to attend a business retreat on the Sunshine Coast. The purpose was to review 2016 and look forward to 2017.  

Throughout the retreat I found my focus shifting from a very inward “What do I have to do to make 2017 successful”, to one of “I am part of a team that needs to work together to get the best out of 2017”. 

Whether we are running a business on our own, competing in an individual sport, or working in an organisation with 250 employees, we all have a team of people who help us be successful. To be ultimately successful, this team must be aware of what it is you are trying to achieve, why it is important and how you are “all” working towards the goal of being successful.

Now if you are working autonomously you may not immediately see that you have a team around you. However, there are people you will rely on for support…. networking groups, friends and family, IT departments. 

So this morning take a moment to think about your team…. all of those people around you working together to get things done and ask the following questions:

  1. Do they know what it is you are trying to achieve in your business, career, life

  2. Why is it important to you

  3. How they can help you be the success

By asking these questions you will see how close you are to getting the best out of your team.

Have an awesome week!

