Keep Moving Forward

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. Walt Disney 

Stopping off to grab a coffee on the way to my regular Sunday morning exercise, I parked in front of this car. Immediately I thought of Uni days for some reason…. and then to a Board Strategy day we held on Saturday. The amount of clarity and direction we created in a day was awesome…. but how easy would it be for us to take no action, do nothing and end up like this.

We all need moments where we make time to reflect, consolidate, strategise and move forward so we can create the growth and development we want, both for ourselves and our businesses. This is critical to make our next steps more effective and efficient… as long as we then take those next steps. Having the best plan or the best team in the world on paper is about as useful as a waterproof teabag. 

3 Tips to keep you moving forward

Here are three tips: 

  1. Reflect, Review & Refocus – when you feel like you might be in a flat spot, make time to get clear on your direction and what you truly want. This refocus will make your next moves even more effective

  2. Take the initiative – choosing to stand still and take no action will get you just that… nothing. Take the steps and make those decisions to get you moving towards your new outcomes

  3. Surround yourself with other quality people – modelling and surrounding yourself with other successful people, whether they be Leaders in your Business, Coaches, Mentors, gives you the opportunity to see what’s also possible for you!

So how can you use these tips to help you this week? Picture what things will look like in a week, a month when you apply these tips… how good will that feel and what else will you have?  
Make a decision to be empowered and share this with your networks, so they too can create the journey they want. To chat about investing in yourself send a note to so we can help you and your teams kickstart your next phase of growth.

Have an awesome week and keep raising the bar!

Paul Farmer